#dearLondon for TfL
: TfL, Johnston Typeface, Twitter, Social engagement
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Johnston typeface, Transport for London and KK Outlet have commissioned to create a bespoke twitter machine to include as many Londoners in the exhibition as possible. Using the Johnston typeface the specially designed and created Twitter Machine will print all tweets featuring #dearlondon live in the KK Outlet gallery.
This Twitter Machine will function as a low-fi printing press which is linked direct to the #dearlondon hashtag on twitter. The audience are encouraged to tweet their 70 character love letter to London in their own language and join in the conversation.
Commisioned by Transport for London, KK Outlet
In Collaboration with: Florian Dussopt, Laurence Symonds
took part in as a software coder
Year: 2016-