Liminal Light
: light, meditation, liminality, background radiation, time perception
Liminal Light is an ongoing project based on the concept of engaging with digital data captured from “universal energy” through the process of material oxymorons. The oxymoron results from the association of two contrasting elements - the digital data of our surroundings (radioactive decay) and the physical element (the object) generating infinite transitory shapes in light.
We use light to visualize the continuous process of perception of “universal energy”. The energy is embodied in tangible object, and the object’s body is not a static material but becomes a ‘phenomenon’ itself.
The Liminal Light object is characterised by a circular continuous movement; hence it behaves in a meditative way. It operates with “time” by capturing the audience’s attention and engaging them in contemplation.
ENSOU(Kotaro Abe, Pasquale Totaro, Danila Luppino)
Year: 2016-